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2017年04月13日 イイね!

TAIPAN miniature engine

TAIPAN miniature engine"taipan motor" by Gordon Burford came to me through Yahoo Auction at a reasonable price the other day. Judging from careful inspection, this motor was manufactured with some solemn quality control, keen skil should be required to design, to construct and production checking. Ogawa precision Co, Ltd had the agent right half a century ago and sold in Japan with OS decal on the boxen.
Schnyre scavenging method had been invited already at that time, it means that the Australian company had sophisticated technology far forward to another competitors. Paying attention on the carburetor system with closing fuel control, OS motors with the adjustable throttle carburetor followed this "taipan style" without any hesitation. Also, piston and cylinder relations are ABC and the fitting conditions are fine adjusted the company engineer without any complaint.
This kind of historical legacy material might be kept as NIB condition, I dare use this motor on MK Star 15 single channel model airplane participating in the meeting of "Golden Age & Old Timer".
Posted at 2017/04/13 15:57:50 | トラックバック(0) | 日記


「Difficulty in the establishment of wheel alignment http://cvw.jp/b/139985/46096876/
何シテル?   05/10 07:44
Kineboh! It's me!


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