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2017年07月17日 イイね!

Compression ratio

Compression ratioItalian made model engines are often so designed to be used under low Nitro-Methane or straight fuel, so compression ratio is high. Too high compression causes detonation if some high methane fuel is used.
In order to obtain smoother combustion, applied I 0.20 thickness adjusting shim as usual. Rotational smoothness and good combustion exhaust note would be obtained if the balancing of motor operation would be established.
Also, Center of Gravity without a spinner and the front cowl has re-adjusted by putting some weight just behind of the motor.

PILOT Fighter has repaired and also, dihedral angle of main wing was reduced into Zero degree while motor hi and straight flight. Residual brake-in procedure would be continued on ENYA 20 motor. Not a few pattern should be drawn if I had made an entry to the contest.
Posted at 2017/07/17 17:47:26 | トラックバック(0) | 日記


「Difficulty in the establishment of wheel alignment http://cvw.jp/b/139985/46096876/
何シテル?   05/10 07:44
Kineboh! It's me!


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