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2018年03月17日 イイね!

Got a better half

Got a better halfInitial type YS 60 with pressurized fuel regulating system motor could have obtained it's better halves, OS model type 704 muffler in NOS condition. Though there was some anxiety about the adaptation, it's very usual that similar but just a little bit different, got I BINGO this time! 704 muffler and YS 60 exhaust port are exactly the same sizes each other. Now I got both of them at my hand at the same even prices, 2000 yen.
Remembering the past, YS motor obtained from Yahoo Auction priced at very cheap like nothing because of piled sludge in the combustion room and clogging in crank shaft supporting bearings and another moving parts, everywhere were dusty, clogged and dirty, also carburetor throttle was glued with vanish material.
As the carburetor body is formed by the one piece casting designing, best care was taken not to break or distort when disassembling.
But my desperate effort with love to survive this miserable motor survived again like a Phoenix, and almost one year was required to marry with a suitable muffler again.
Flying motor testing airplane I'm building now would give a good opportunity this old YS 60 self scavenge combustion motor to be operated actually in the sky sooner or later.

Posted at 2018/03/17 11:25:30 | トラックバック(0) | 日記
2018年03月17日 イイね!

Peaceful lunch time

Five minutes train ride takes me to Umeda Osaka from my working place, so I make it a rule to explore and to walk around seeking for new lunch menus, telling the truth, this is not my way but my intimate friend's.

As for my opinion, I do not accept to be immersed in a Pseudo Peace now, the time is come to open our eyes to see and to gaze at the circumstantial change around us, the world is moving like some vigorous crustal deformations.
We actually do not understand the value of Peace because we are living in the environment of satiation to no appreciation for food, clothing and housing with a blind peace under US occupation since just the end of WW2.
In another words, actually we are leading our lives in a peaceful flower garden without any perception of War for as long as over 70 years.
This strange phenomena fully dependents on the US military strategy at The Far East Front following the US intended The War Guilt Information Program.
Peace itself here is beneficial of World Wide Strongest US military power and their strategy scattered in Far East aria.
The benefit of 70 years peace does not depend on the US designed Japanese Constitution, but on US military Bases with 134 in number all over Japan land from Hokkaido to Kyusyu Okinawa including Japanese Defense Power Bases. This is why we had not been invaded by the neighbor Communism and Socialism countries till now.
Probably, the Influence figure around Japan should be changed in very near future after the negotiation between US and North Korea.

Yammar Diesel Company at Umeda opens their specific company cafeteria to ordinary people at reasonable prices, the service is limited only on Saturday and Sunday, their company closing days. The tastes are not so bad, but the vegetable salad freshness is outstanding and their advantage is salad bowl served together with the selected menu.
Because the meat dish had been sold away on last Saturday when we visited relatively late, we'll start one hour earlier today than before.
Posted at 2018/03/17 07:55:43 | トラックバック(0) | 日記


「Difficulty in the establishment of wheel alignment http://cvw.jp/b/139985/46096876/
何シテル?   05/10 07:44
Kineboh! It's me!


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