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Mode Parfume Toyota Camry

Mode Parfume Toyota Camry

Everywhere you drive today there is a very good possibility that you will see a Toyota Camry. One of the best selling sedans in the world, yet there isn't even one that would ever make you consider doing any sort of modifications to it. Well guess what, Stance:Nation along with Kevin are here to change that. Today we will crawl up in your brain and erase all of those negative thoughts you've ever had about Camry's. We will show you what being open minded and willing to step out of your comfort zone can achieve you. With that said, please step into Kevin's shoes, a Thailand native who challenged himself to create something out of the ordinary and be as unique as it gets. Little did he know that he would create a vehicle that would be admired by everyone from Thailand to England and as far west as United States. Wherever you are out there, feast you eyes on this one of a kind Toyota Camry.

Photos By: Kevin exclusively for StanceNation.com

What started off as just another 2007 Camry has turned into a 3 year long project. Going from several wheel setups, body kits and modifications, this Camry's latest look blows every other Camry out there out of the water. The whole front end has been face lifted by upgrading to the new Hybrid version Camry which features a much cleaner set of headlights as well as grill. Kevin then widened the front fenders an inch all around and about 2.5 inches in the rear, and seeing how he is a huge fan of everything Mode Parfume ever created, he threw on their complete kit. Seeing how they never made any kits for Camry's, it wasn't as easy as you may think. Every single part of it had to be redone to fit his Camry. After all that was done, he decided to mold the skirts to rest of the body for an ever cleaner look.

In the back he also added a set of exhaust tips from the same company, along with a very proper Mode Parfume trunk badge. The tail lights are also from a 2009 Camry Hybrid model which were modified and now feature a very elegant set of LED's. Seeing how there are very many other Camry's in Thailand, Kevin wanted his to stand out just a bit more! Then came time for some shoes, and in our opinion he did an incredible job. This thing is rocking a set of 3 piece Leon Hardiritt Beil's in 20x9 (-23) and 20x10 (+13) wrapped in 225/35/20 & 245/30/20 set of tires. Pretty legit for a Toyota Camry isn't it?

Funny thing is that when we first saw this thing, we thought it was seriously a strictly "show car", but we were wrong. Kevin and his family drive this thing on daily basis along with a C-Class Benz when the Camry is in shop getting more work done. Once the wheels were mounted, in order to lose the 1'+ of wheel gap, Kevin's only option was to bag the car. Once the car was bagged, some camber adjustments and other suspension things were done to achieve the stance you see in front of you. Final touch to the exterior is the Matte Gold Vinyl wrap over the standard white paint. The result is simply stunning. Incredibly unique Camry that is just jaw dropping. Interior time you say?

Don't think the interior was left stock. This 3 year long project had to look perfect all around, and oh-my it does! Not to jock Kevin or anything, but we literally have no words to describe the interior so we'll throw some random things at you. Full, one off D.A.D Garson interior. Similar to Rolls Royce's starlight interior, Kevin's Camry is loaded with tiny lights that were cut into the high quality headliner which will give any VIP Style enthusiast chills down their back. Every possible speaker in the car was also upgraded to top of the line Dynaudio stuff. Attention to detail, and serious inspiration is the idea here.

The trunk has 20+ Alpine screens in all shapes and sizes. Amp's are all JL Audio as well as a pair of sub woofers. This is just jaw dropping to us and we are so honored to be showcasing this Camry with all of you. Seriously major kudos to Kevin and everyone that was associated with this build. To all of Thailand, you guys are definitely an inspiration to many and we hope to see more of what you do in the near future!

Photos By: Kevin exclusively for StanceNation.com
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Posted at 2011/02/02 07:01:41




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