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2023年10月03日 イイね!

Long Way

Long WayTelework this week is scheduled on Friday.

It seems very far but I can enjoy the three-day
weekend early right after turning off my PC on Friday.
Posted at 2023/10/03 05:09:14 | コメント(0) | トラックバック(0) | 日記 | 日記
2023年09月16日 イイね!


TripI and my wife are planning to go to
屋久島 in November.

I am collecting information as to what to wear,
and bring, and where to visit.

One of my wife's friends has been there before
and my wife is asking her what to expect.
Posted at 2023/09/16 04:38:21 | コメント(0) | トラックバック(0) | 日記 | 日記
2023年07月15日 イイね!

Where My Parents Rest

Where My Parents RestI and my wife are visiting the temple
where my mom and dad rest in peace.

We will visit あべのハルカス afterwards.
Posted at 2023/07/15 05:07:44 | コメント(0) | トラックバック(0) | 日記 | 日記
2023年03月26日 イイね!


BadmintonYesterday I and my wife enjoyed playing some
badminton at a local park.

There were no people except us and beautiful
cheery trees at the park.
Posted at 2023/03/26 06:06:57 | コメント(0) | トラックバック(0) | 日記 | 日記
2023年03月25日 イイね!

No Jogging

No JoggingI haven't been jogging to the dam for a while
due to the rainy forecast.

I imagine some cherry blossoms at the dam are
blooming by now.
Posted at 2023/03/25 05:39:10 | コメント(0) | トラックバック(0) | 日記 | 日記


「Day 2 http://cvw.jp/b/106473/47682103/
何シテル?   04/28 06:14
This is my second convertible in my life.


<< 2024/4 >>



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