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2021年06月30日 イイね!

After Teleworking

After TeleworkingI went jogging after teleworking yesterday.

It was hot, humid and no different from
just another day in the wettest reason of the year.
Posted at 2021/06/30 05:24:12 | コメント(0) | トラックバック(0) | 日記 | 日記
2021年06月29日 イイね!

Last Day

Last DayToday is the last day of teleworking in June.

If the precipitation continues this morning,
I will stay home instead of jogging before work.
Posted at 2021/06/29 05:15:59 | コメント(0) | トラックバック(0) | 日記 | 日記
2021年06月28日 イイね!

Royal Family

Royal FamilyThis is the package of the date syrup.

It reads that the syrup is popular among
royal families in UAE.

By using this syrup I can taste what
they eat routinely.

It became quickly one of my best pancake sauces!
Posted at 2021/06/28 05:06:59 | コメント(0) | トラックバック(0) | 日記 | 日記
2021年06月27日 イイね!

Last Day

Last DayToday is my last day of three-day weekend.

Surprisingly no pancakes were made so far.

But finally I will make some this morning,
looking forward to using date syrup I just bought
at 成城石井 yesterday.
Posted at 2021/06/27 05:27:37 | コメント(0) | トラックバック(0) | 日記 | 日記
2021年06月26日 イイね!


OutletsIt was very nice to visit the outlets on a weekday.

You can really take your time to browse around stores
and no hassle is required to find seats at a restaurant.
Posted at 2021/06/26 05:04:38 | コメント(0) | トラックバック(0) | 日記 | 日記


「Day 1 http://cvw.jp/b/106473/47679710/
何シテル?   04/27 05:00
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