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  • 整備手帳
  • ブログ
  • みんカラ+



自己紹介I just wanted to say "HI!" to all of you, all of us, always greeting each other whenever we are on a BEAT.
Sorry, I do not speak Japanese, but I just wished to thank you all for your special hospitality.
To my surprise I realized that having a Honda Beat is not just owning a car, not just a new lifestyle, not just a new different way of being in a car, but it's somehow a new sense of belonging to this great, small community.
I hope to give some contribution and thank you all for giving precious information and ideas to give a long life to these little jewels called BEAT.
    登録日 : 2022年11月29日


ホンダ ビート

最新 ブログ

みんカラ:モニターキャンペーン【コールドスタートプロテクション】 (0)
Radiator flush and coolant replacement (1)
I just wanted to say "hi!" to all BEAT drivers! (2)

最新 整備手帳

New brake pad [ホンダ ビート] (0)
Undercarriage insulation and sound deadening. [ホンダ ビート] (2)
Transmission oil change [ホンダ ビート] (0)
Resurrecting the speedometer(replacing the sensor) [ホンダ ビート] (1)
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