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Widebody Q45


現住所東京都 ニューヨーク アメリカ (New York, America)
誕生日1985年4月3日 おひつじ座
好きなものHello. First off, I don't speak Japanese but I will try my best with the use of a translator. My name is Agim and I am from New York, USA. I am in the Night Garage car club as well as Liberty VIP car club. The second car club that I am in was just formed recently by local friends where as the other club is based on the West coast. I one day hope to visit Japan to attend a King of Sedan event but as of right now, I do not feel worthy.

I was told there was alot of curiousity in reguards to my car and I am honored by that since I am trying my best to emulate the VIP style. It assures me that I am doing something right. I can't thank you guys enough for pushing the limits with your builds and inspiring myself as well as my whole country to want to build beautiful VIP cars. The car is about to get another make over really soon. Enjoy the pictures. Thank you.
私はNight GarageとLiberty VIPカークラブに参加してます。Liberty VIPは最近友達と樹立したクラブで、Night Garageはアメリカのウェストコーストのカークラブです。いつか日本のVIPイベント行きたいのですが、とりあえず私の車はまだ日本のVIP車と比べ物ならないのでそれにがんばります。


    登録日 : 2009年01月30日


日産 インフイニティQ45
© LY Corporation