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2023年06月30日 イイね!

NIFREL Suita Aquarium

This facility was founded and operated by Osaka Kaiyukan, the world's largest aquarium, so the interior is very similar to that, but with smaller scale, leading to no whale sharks. In exchange, it is possible to interact with animals such as birds and monkeys without shielding. Here, it should be noted that there are personnel in charge to prevent danger, but parents of small children need to be careful not to let them come into contact with animals carelessly, remember the object is wild animals! It is hoped that no accident will occur. Photographers will play enough there but with partially some too dark area inside.
There is no problem with drinks and food at the convenience store. Of course there are also a toilets, wheelchair users acceptable.

Posted at 2023/06/30 05:21:25 | トラックバック(0) | 日記
2023年06月07日 イイね!

Hotel Lodge Maishima Osaka

Hotel Lodge Maishima is one of the most highly sophisticated inn around Maishima area, so it's fee is not so low reasonably as a matter of fact. The stuff are well educated in smart manner. You might take this hotel if you prefer their smart measures for you.

As I visited there with the purpose of photo shooting only, I had no opportunity to have lunch or dinner, so no comment about meals.

Many flowers are planted around the voyages and lodges, of course including my shooting target Hydrangea. It's a matter for mentioning here that small group planting method makes it possible to watch them from every direction, also this situation is very convenient for photographers to take good angle position with good lighting source! This is the greatest advantage to location at all.

Professional gardeners are invited to take care of plants all day long, this is why all the trees and flowers are put in the best condition.

Vehicle parking fee for several hours, 1.000 yen is a bit expensive?
Posted at 2023/06/07 08:58:07 | トラックバック(0) | 日記
2023年06月01日 イイね!

Disliked Typhoon #2

Weather forecast tells that a big scale typhoon #2 are about to passing through near by our land and it is stimulating usual rain front line. I hope some strong wind would not blow away beautiful but flagele flowers especially Hydrangeas everywhere. Unfortunately, the timing overlaps typhoons and flower blooming, it a matter for regret.

Pics show unusually brilliant flowers in Hotel Lodge Maishima Osaka.

Posted at 2023/06/01 22:10:29 | トラックバック(0) | 日記


「Difficulty in the establishment of wheel alignment http://cvw.jp/b/139985/46096876/
何シテル?   05/10 07:44
Kineboh! It's me!


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