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2018年06月27日 イイね!

"Under the sea !"

"Under the sea !"The seaweed is always greener

In somebody else's lake

You dream about going up there

But that is a big mistake

Just look at the world around you

Right here on the ocean floor

Such wonderful things around you

What more is you lookin' for?

Under the sea, under the sea

Darling, it's better

Down where it's wetter

Take it from me

Up on the shore they work all day

Out in the sun they slave away

While we devotin'

Full time to floatin'

Under the sea !
Posted at 2018/06/27 20:39:59 | コメント(0) | トラックバック(0)
2018年06月23日 イイね!

"When You Wish Upon a Star !"

"When You Wish Upon a Star !"When you wish upon a star

Makes no difference who you are

Anything your heart desires

Will come to you

If your heart is in your dream

No request is too extreme

When you wish upon a star

As dreamers do

Fate is kind

She brings to those who love

The sweet fulfillment of

Their secret longing

Like a bolt out of the blue

Suddenly, it comes to you !
Posted at 2018/06/23 21:04:13 | コメント(5) | トラックバック(0)
2018年06月17日 イイね!

"A whole new world !"

"A whole new world !"I can show you the world

Shining, shimmering, splendid

Tell me, princess, now when did 

You last let your heart decide? 

I can open your eyes 

Take you wonder by wonder 

Over, sideways and under 

On a magic carpet ride 

A whole new world 

A new fantastic point of view 

No one to tell us no 

Or where to go 

Or say we're only dreaming !
Posted at 2018/06/17 23:02:12 | コメント(1) | トラックバック(0)
2018年06月03日 イイね!

"It's a small world !"

"It's a small world !"It’s a world of laughter,

and a world or tears

It’s a world of hopes,

and a world of fears

There’s so much that we share

that its time we’re aware

It’s a small world after all

It’s a small world after all

It’s a small, small world

There is just one moon

and one golden sun

And a smile means

friendship to everyone.

Though the mountains divide

and the oceans are wide

It’s a small small world

It’s a small world after all

It’s a small, small world !!
Posted at 2018/06/03 21:29:46 | コメント(0) | トラックバック(0)


「@ひらちぃ~ ほんと危なかったです!先ず最初にクルマの危険アラートが鳴り響いてブレーキは自分の方が早かったです(笑)」
何シテル?   08/04 23:13
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