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2017年05月07日 イイね!

Equipping condition of the Ig coil

Equipping condition of the Ig coilAn indispensable physical property of the ignition coil for the mechanical point signal distributor is the resistor value of primary coil, especially in the case of additive of Semi-Tr Igniter.
It is often the case that a more powerful ignition coil should be invited when this kind of device is applied, but most of the case would be led to failure, because the required resistor value 3,0 ohm is not always proved, but most of the case is negative condition, under such kind of ill circumstance the switching transistors in the circuitry would be destroyed relatively soon.
So, remembering the principle above, checked I the primary coil resistor value, 3,3 ohm was the result existing within the tolerance.
Driving my VW 1302 Super Beetle early this morning after setting DIY Semi-Tr Igniter with new switching transistor, 2SC4552, only one twisting starter key could easily activated an air-cooled 1600 cc AD motor, no symptom of rough idling, stable, monotonous, strong torque and powerful combustion condition was obtained. I'm surprised to know the change of driving characters of my Beetle only with changing tiny semiconductors at very cheep price.
Posted at 2017/05/07 08:39:07 | トラックバック(0) | 日記


「Difficulty in the establishment of wheel alignment http://cvw.jp/b/139985/46096876/
何シテル?   05/10 07:44
Kineboh! It's me!


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