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2021年03月02日 イイね!

Quickly and Precisely

Quickly and PreciselyN225 did gain a lot yesterday but not
reached quite the \30K line yet.

My favorite stocks, 6367 and 4063 showed
somewhat difficult trends, making me hard
to decide if I were to make an entry.

The lesson probably I need to learn is to
wait until I feel comfortable to do so.

With that in my mind, I will day trade on Thursday.

But the question is, "Do I have an ability to judge that
quickly and precisely?"
Posted at 2021/03/02 05:10:03 | コメント(0) | トラックバック(0) | 日記 | 日記


「Day 2 http://cvw.jp/b/106473/47682103/
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