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2021年03月15日 イイね!


AfraidAfter seeing the charts of 6367 and 4063 I day
traded on last Thursday over this weekend,
I realized the entries I made on these were too
late which led to a small gain.

Being afraid of risks resulted in making entries

I made entries after confirming the obvious trends
to avoid a big loss but there was another oscillator
tool I wasn’t taking an advantage of it.

By using this tool I may be able to try some early
entries for better results without relying on my
intuition too much.

The question is, though, if I can use it in a real
trade, judging when to enter and exit in a fraction
of time.
Posted at 2021/03/15 05:13:14 | コメント(0) | トラックバック(0) | 日記 | 日記


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