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2017年06月17日 イイね!

Lexus Premium Concert 2017

Lexus Premium Concert 2017Kansai Philharmonic Orchestra Concert was held at Osaka Umeda Artistic Theater in Chayamachi this afternoon as "Lexus Premium Charity Concert 2017", of course the Conductor was the primary person, Mr. Sachio Fujioka as usual. Also, a foreign trained Soprano singer Miss. Ayako Tanaka was invited and she sung well in a front half.
We could all enjoyed relatively popular classic programs today, Johann Strauss, Beethoven and Franz Liszt, etc.
Very soon after listening their sound, I felt some difference between some amateur Phil. Orchestra, as it progresses my recognition has gradually made it clear.
The sound balance in the Strings, Violin, Viola, Cello and Base is comfortably exquisite so much, in addition, the timing of insertion of the Wind Instruments with best volume and best sound quality is also exquisite. I'm so surprised to listen to them as to change my recognition about the Live Playing of Symphonic Orchestra. Any refusal feeling caused by disgusting discomfort and sarcasm didn't discerned all through this concert. Probably, secondary harmonic distortion must be intentionally eliminated well and this is perfectly controlled by the Conductor. Remember that, desperate effort and hard training as a professional musician should be hided behind this ultra fine sound! Not about an electric processing technology but about the sound itself produced by every instrument of this Orchestra. Because my listening seat was so good as to listen to the Live Sound, about 15 m distance from the Conductor today.
I am going to be a prisoner of Kansai Phil.?
Posted at 2017/06/17 21:22:02 | トラックバック(0) | 日記
2017年06月17日 イイね!

With LASER Pointer device

With LASER Pointer deviceChecking the wheel alignment yesterday proved that the thrust angle is firmly established in the condition of infinity close to zero on my VW 1302 Super Beetle. And the toe-in value of rear wheels is 1,30 mm (tire 630 mm). I'm going to continue this rear axle geometric construction for the time being.
As an impression of my Super Beetle these days, AD motor is operating with good sound at any rpm, no coughing or no smoldering phenomena is observed and the fuel consumption improved. Steering response and the information through wheels and axle construction are comfortably propagated far better than before, light and cheerful ride is implemented well.
Replacement of the front lower arm bush on both side and fuel mixture control adjusting have changed the character of my air-cooled VW Super Beetle thoroughly, reserved and unobtrusive feeling as a 46 years old vehicle completely disappeared.
Of course, I am refrained from driving aggressively and violently but try I to drive with dignity, whenever and wherever I might be.
Recent cars do not have any room to invade into some fundamental construction like the motor, suspension and it's construction and electricity, because all of them are well fixed and shut out by any invasion by the user.
Probably, some periodical replacement of the desired parts including oil and cooling water would be enough to continue them as long as tens of years so far as an accidental destruction would not be encountered. So designed and so fabricated the recent cars are!
Posted at 2017/06/17 07:58:49 | トラックバック(0) | 日記


「Difficulty in the establishment of wheel alignment http://cvw.jp/b/139985/46096876/
何シテル?   05/10 07:44
Kineboh! It's me!


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