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2017年06月24日 イイね!

Busy as to borrow cat's hands

Busy as to borrow cat's handsThanks to the information in Web site about the suitable propeller for YS 45 FR I could know the burdening now on Hornet with the same motor isn't matched well, though setting on Tuned pipe make it difficult to know that.
Immediately after getting the notice, I have adjusted pitch of 2 pieces of glass polyester props as usual utilizing pitch gauge. 12-7 would be suitable probably to the point. I have been feeling some mismatching the burdening with 12-6 wooden prop till the former flight, 1 inch more pitch application would cause some good condition of operation in Tuned pipe length adjustment also as well as setting the best needle valve angular position.
Let's try on coming Tuesday.

As mentioned before, PILOT Ace B have a problem that OS 32 FX motor stops unexpectedly after spin maneuver and considerable unburned fuel is contained in the muffler and this phenomena has much to do with motor stop?
As the countermeasure for an inconvenient phenomena, I applied a piece of plastic tube with 1 mm diameter hole inside of muffler pressure silicon tube line intending setting some orifice hole to activate that muffler pressure air goes to the tank freely, but overflowing fuel caused by centrifugal effect while spin maneuver does not comes into the muffler because of 1 mm hole orifice.

Destroyed Fighter is now under repairing condition with desperate effort to be in time for the next flight on Tuesday, just some wooden part grew adhering procedure paying keen attention not to cause discrepancy.
I know that the more accuracy is required if the airplane is a smaller size.
Anyway, even a small model airplane want to be adjusted fairly and the effort is not always an easy task.
Though I'm a geriatric, not a day passes without doing anything, I need more time period a day.
Posted at 2017/06/24 15:55:26 | トラックバック(0) | 日記


「Difficulty in the establishment of wheel alignment http://cvw.jp/b/139985/46096876/
何シテル?   05/10 07:44
Kineboh! It's me!


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