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2020年05月15日 イイね!

Circuit design and circuit structure

Quality assurance measures, process assurance, raw material control. Including the control of raw materials such as mask plates, chemical reagents, photoresists, especially silicon materials. The control not only adopts the traditional single inspection method, but also adopts statistical process control (SpC) technology for key raw materials to ensure high quality of raw materials and good quality consistency.

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Control of processing equipment. In addition to using advanced equipment for process processing, daily maintenance and preventive maintenance of equipment should also be done. At the same time, key parameters of equipment should be monitored, and if necessary, an SpC control model of equipment parameters should be established for analysis and control.

Control of technological process. Including SpC control of key process parameters, process capability analysis, 6σ design, etc. At the same time, establish process inspection methods for key processes, such as pinholes and cracks in the oxide layer, movable metal ions, metal Layer stability test, etc. In addition, the technical guarantee should also include training and assessment of the operating personnel, control of environmental cleanliness and the establishment of advanced production quality management information systems.

Conventional reliability design technology. Including redundant design, derating design, sensitivity analysis, central value optimization design, etc.

Device design techniques for major failure modes. Including the main failure modes such as hot carrier effect, latch-up effect, and reasonable design of device structure, geometric parameters and physical parameters.

process design guarantee for major failure modes. Including the use of new process technology and adjustment of process parameters to improve the reliability of semiconductor integrated circuit chips.

Computer simulation technology of semiconductor integrated circuit chip reliability. Simultaneously with the circuit design, the circuit structure, layout, wiring, and reliability characteristic parameters are used as inputs to perform computer simulation analysis on the reliability of the circuit. According to the analysis results, the reliability level of the circuit can be predicted, the design rules to be adopted in the reliability design can be determined, and the reliability weak links in the circuit and layout design schemes can be found.

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Posted at 2020/05/15 11:33:20 | コメント(0) | トラックバック(0) | 科技 | 日記
2020年05月04日 イイね!

The battery is full, continue charging, is it good for the battery

It is best to charge the new battery just purchased for more than 12 hours. In fact, this argument has now completely failed. Both mobile phone batteries and laptop batteries have charging chips. After the charging chip detects that the battery is fully charged, no more current will pass. So whether you charge it or not, you just pull it if you want to. No effect.

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Many people care that electronic products like laptops are fully charged and plugged in. Will it have any effect? In fact, it has been fully charged and continues to be plugged in. The real impact on the battery is storage passivation. Especially when it is fully charged. However, according to our charging frequency, if the battery is charged and discharged every week, this problem will basically not exist. However, if you use the appliance with the battery fully charged and plugged in all the year round, passivation is likely to occur. The good news is that we don't need to care too much about this issue. If you often use a notebook, the effect of passivation is not that great.

Reduce battery memory effect, choose from our parts of battery management. Heisener provides a wide range of quality parts for integrated circuits.

But the only thing worth noting here is that when using the battery, it must be noted that the surrounding temperature cannot be too high. Because compared to deep charge and discharge, temperature is what really affects battery life.

We said that if you often use a laptop, you don't have to worry too much about the problem of battery passivation. But if you almost never use batteries, passivation is indeed a big problem. There are also ways to use this habit. First of all, if we never use the battery, then remove the battery, but remember that the removed battery can not run out of electricity. Because the battery has a self-discharge phenomenon, if the under-voltage is caused by self-discharge, the battery will suffer irreversible damage. Of course, don't fill it too much, otherwise it will be the same as it is installed on the machine. In short, for this group of people, it is recommended to unplug the power supply occasionally and install the battery for a while.

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In fact, after saying so much, let ’s finally conclude that the lithium batteries we use today hardly need to be too persistent to charge and discharge. There is no need to worry about charging time. Do whatever you want, charge as much as you want, and pull as much as you want. Because the lithium battery was designed according to this mood. The only thing worth noting is that the battery environment must not be too high or low. We must remember that the biggest enemy of lithium batteries is not charge and discharge, but temperature.

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Posted at 2020/05/04 11:54:38 | コメント(0) | トラックバック(0) | 科技 | 日記


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