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2019年04月29日 イイね!


Mitsubishi Pajero Final Edition marks end of Japanese availability
We knew it as the Montero

I'm surprised.
Posted at 2019/04/29 02:17:45 | コメント(0) | トラックバック(0) | CAR | クルマ
2019年04月23日 イイね!

My favorite Hummer

Pick-up truck version.
Posted at 2019/04/23 01:33:58 | コメント(0) | トラックバック(0) | CAR | クルマ
2019年04月22日 イイね!

I don't care

My trans friend is text in yesterday too.

I told to her
"You're trying always smile.I thank you always dark face"

She said "It's hard to smile because I'm do insecure about my looks"

I thank god.she has serious complexs about the her face.

She's negative lady.
She must don't thanking to negative things.
She thank her look likes guy.

I can't care for her.
Because She doesn't lesson my advice.
Posted at 2019/04/22 00:04:51 | コメント(0) | トラックバック(0) | DIARY | 日記
2019年04月21日 イイね!

Serious complexs and jealous

Talking about My Transgender the friend.
She said to me in this week.

I jealous of you.
You're look 100% Girl.I don't.

I hate to my self about the I'm look guy and ugly.

I thank oh! my god !

I thank She's beautiful.
She has boyfriend and she's marry after the few years.

Why She's hate to her self ?

I can't understand.
Posted at 2019/04/21 13:25:04 | コメント(0) | トラックバック(0) | DIARY | 日記
2019年04月20日 イイね!

On Wednesday

I told to my English teacher about the me.

I'm no beautiful.before I'm guy.

My teacher surprised.

She said really ?
You're look girl,beautiful.

And my classmates don't know I'm transgender girl.

But teacher told me

Do not tell to them.You're girl.

I'm very happy.

But my teacher is most beautiful.
She's Armenian.

Nice lady.
Posted at 2019/04/20 04:24:15 | コメント(0) | トラックバック(0) | DIARY | 日記


「No class today http://cvw.jp/b/1323561/47676332/
何シテル?   04/25 01:55
I'm Transgender girl. I'm moved to Los Angeles from February,2016. I'm esc...



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クラウンを消すチャンスは ・・・ 
2020/11/14 13:17:10
2020/10/17 08:34:01
2020/04/18 08:27:02


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