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2021年06月28日 イイね!

Principle does not change

Principle does not changeI came across with a worthy Youtube program this morning by a young but active in the front line of internal medicine department of Cardiology. His explanation is relatively easy for medical students and it reminded me of my good days half a century ago, the way of interpretation is not changed now and past my days. I gave Thumb-up without hesitation on this application. Video posting like that is really good not only for ordinary people but for a retired surgeon. Calling up old memory in the bottom of Cortex is just like mixing well to keep every tissues in fresh condition. I really appreciate his lively activity and hope his effort and contribution would last so long.
Posted at 2021/06/28 06:47:26 | トラックバック(0) | 日記
2021年06月27日 イイね!

Experimental trial on Human body

Experimental trial on Human bodyMany a opinion have been declared in SARS CoV-2 infectious disease in the world, some of them are reliable and another are not so. Articles are increasing in number day by day, because the researchers have obtained World-wide research target now, we have many historically relative experiments. Accurate Consistency and Alignment of the piled datum are required. The counter measure invited this time on SARS CoV-2 has not enough researching and developing period that is the common sense because of inevitable apology for emergency, the result should not be miserable as we are afraid. Anyway, the passage from now will prove the correctness of our choice and decision. Improvement and establishment of approaching method will be proceeded gradually while turning behind. It is prayed that the irreversible failure had not been done on young generation.
Posted at 2021/06/27 07:58:37 | トラックバック(0) | 日記
2021年06月26日 イイね!

Happiness of People in the world

Happiness of People in the world"The King reigns but does not rule." is the political system of UK and same kind of principle is applied in our country, but the Constitution obliged by GHQ over 80 years ago did it. But, the relation between the Emperor and Vassals exists so far as Emperor system exists. Chief of three powers are all below Emperor as his Vassals. So, once the Edict is issued, all the citizens must obey it without exception. Whatever way the Edict might be issued, it does not matter. Strange and stupid opinions should not be sounded by any politicians.
Never be mere messenger's opinion but ”Voice of Heaven!”. 
Judgement is unaffected by Money, Honor or Power, in stead it is purely done praying only for the happiness of peoples in the World.
Posted at 2021/06/26 07:04:53 | トラックバック(0) | 日記
2021年06月25日 イイね!

Unprecedented Vaccination based on uncertain event

Unprecedented Vaccination based on uncertain eventBelly Art or Abdominal Art done even by the minister in charge does not work at all in Science resolving in correct answer. What is known is known, unknown is unknown, no way to distort any consistent alignment in it. Now way to let any uncertain event into the strongest field of Science, no one can do that even disable for God. Tit for tat is very hard if back-door transactions and cheating were done under complomizing. Suppose, no one realizes the damage, the crime will not be established no matter how serious it may be. Self-responsibility is a very convenient word for people who want to escape from it. No one, no Government agency nor no Pharmaceutical Company is not a reliable target, how come?
Posted at 2021/06/25 10:49:44 | トラックバック(0) | 日記
2021年06月25日 イイね!

Wiseness or Luck

Wiseness or LuckEfficacy of prevailing Vaccinations is not always on Mutant strains in CoV-19 happens one after another. The status now could be foreseen because mutant strain is nothing but the business of virus strain and planted Gene is not alway effective on every strain at all. Then, why vaccinations were performed competing a head on Generic Public in spite of Life-threatening gambling? A bad habit losing to the threatening pressure destined us at that time? We did studied enough 70 years ago on our dangerous innate Character after loosing 3,300,000 compatriots after the former War. Do we know so firmly where to go, what direction is correct to save our lives? It is true that the difficulty to come across with a truly reliable article is just finding out a piece of small straw in the vast sea, though this is a common sense in Scientific field. As for myself, I could have led a life in a Peace period of time between the war repeating every 50 years in the world, it is only by chance, living safe is depending on Luck while sneaking through various life crisis.
Posted at 2021/06/25 06:54:56 | トラックバック(0) | 日記


「Difficulty in the establishment of wheel alignment http://cvw.jp/b/139985/46096876/
何シテル?   05/10 07:44
Kineboh! It's me!


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