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2021年11月30日 イイね!

Disaster continues

Disaster continuesSufficient financial support by our Government is indispensable if all the circulations are stopped otherwise committing suicide would be increased in number, one month interval is too long to endure, we are beaten utmost already.

Economical condition in our country goes bad to worse without doubt this time, much careful investigation should be done precisely before the worst result occurs. No sabotage is allowed, things need urgent reaction, let's make haste, we must help each other with kind love.

Now we have a critical proof that Vaccine Passport does not take effect on new mutant strain Virus, so a Passport effective on a specific mutant strain is not always a good proof not to be invaded by the new capturer. Further investigation, researching and development are desired in "Predictive Virology"!

It's a matter for regret that the immigration has done in our country already, Omicron has landed!
Posted at 2021/11/30 22:22:01 | トラックバック(0) | 日記
2021年11月30日 イイね!

Events on the other side of the Earth?

Events on the other side of the Earth?Border measure for Omicron Mutant Strain is shouted by the Government Agencies all over the world, any foreign immigration was interrupted from Zero hour today for a month in our country. But the target will invade somewhere with unknown face.

Judging from the past history of viral expansion, it is difficult to hold down and we must wait natural disappearance after expansion. As long as there is logistic and human flow we cannot avoid viral transmissions.

On the other hand, there is an opponent idea that any viral invasion will not be inevitable so, let them as their favor and establish herd immunity, so the result will be the same even if we flatter at any rate.
As our history shows, we had been lived together with Virus, no countermeasure is effective at all.

Sports Competition Event like Universiade is not something that we do our own at all, though Olympic Game last time was performed with the least effects. It might be the proof that Viral behavior is not influenced by our desperate countermeasure.

Especially in our country with the least damage in the world, the consideration might be accepted that our viral resistance is particularly stronger than any other foreign countries, so herd immunity would be acquired even if left alone.

Considering about foreign countries in terribly severe condition, we should also pretend to be in the desperate effort of quarantine prevention. Alignance is importance.
Anyway, the strongest Virus on the planet will continue to affect us.
Posted at 2021/11/30 08:18:45 | トラックバック(0) | 日記
2021年11月29日 イイね!

Avoiding bedridden condition

Avoiding bedridden conditionNutrition intaking, exercise and social participation are indispensable element to maintain human health condition avoiding bedridden condition. The first digestive organ, the masticatory system is the most important mechanical construction of our body construction.
Chewing system is formed by teeth and occlusion as a mechanical cutter, Myoneurologically and mechanically controlled soft tissues and fundamental skeletal movement. Even a lack of single factor causes some threaten to keep healthy life. Missing teeth are compensated by applying artificial teeth with conventional Prosthodontic treatment or In-plant of artificial roots into the bone structure. Both of them have some specific advantage and disadvantage each other, stoutness and stability, convenience, bioinvasive and bone adhesions.

Basically, ordinary people have a discrepancy of Centric Jaw Position between skeletally destined jaw relation position and Myoneurologically controlled jaw position because of the relative upper and lower dentitions. The effect of mandibular deviation cannot be ignored that occurs during the unstable period of central mating while the deciduous tooth exchanging period. The less discrepancy, the better. Mandibular centrality is lost when clossover biting condition occurs whatever portion it might be. Hitting and destroying enamel tissue of the tooth while mastication must be avoided, so the lower jaw movement near at centric occlusion position is well controlled by Myoneurological system.
Posted at 2021/11/29 08:42:46 | トラックバック(0) | 日記
2021年11月29日 イイね!

Opinions are divided even among experts!

Opinions are divided even among experts!There are 3 types of Medical stuff, Pros, Centrists and Opponents.
Most of the viral specialists have a tendency to take Pros with some exceptions. GP and the stuff in some institute take one of the latters.
People who must make decision on unknown matters must have much troubles. They are suffering from threatens in case of unpredictable results. Side effects and secondary effects are not cleared in medium to long term. Sufficient researches and developments had not been performed. No responsibility by the Pharmaceutical but supported by Government Authority though difficulty of causal relationship.

Effective rate differs depending on the vaccine manufacturers. Pfizer 95% for 60 million, AstraZeneca 50~70% for 60 million, Moderna 94% for 25 million people. Appearance of different mutant strains that comes one after another in future. And no proof of effectiveness on unknown mutant strains. Now, New Omicron variant appeared in Southern Africa, no one predict anything about this. Even among specialist and professionals in Virology, the opinions are divided and results are opposite at all. Scientifically obtained truth and fact are located in a hostile relationships!
Posted at 2021/11/29 07:13:10 | トラックバック(0) | 日記
2021年11月28日 イイね!

Watershed we are!

Watershed we are!Considerably different mutant from conventional strain, Southern African strain has arrived at Hong Kong already. New threaten must have invaded our country already? As expired passports, vaccines against old strains will not take effect on new "N" strain. Though "New Type Virus" is shouted among us, thousands of mutant has produced for two years, so the name we call does mismatch and sound strange now. Vaccinated people are not always proved not to fall into SARS CoV-2 disaster.

There is no Panacea on the Earth, and there is no such Vaccine as Panacea in spite of painful needle piercing. Outdated vaccination does not take effect but some horrible doubt remain, unconfirmed and not guaranteed dangers as side effects and enhanced actions such as Antibody-Dependent Enhancement (ADE). In addition, once the Cell and Gene Therapy is performed, the bridge to return to previous condition is burnt down, irreversible phenomenon at Cell level occurred. No way to come back!

We who stand on the Watershed have to make an ultimate choice of "Life or Death" by ourselves!

There are several opinions on the way to survive by the Virology experts, one is favor of vaccination and others oppose. They are both professionals based on Natural Science with opposed opinions. In order to judge the correctness, it is necessary to accumulate know-how and experience after gaining sufficient knowledge to the level of referee who evaluate the dissertation in the specialized field. But, is it possible for ordinary people to do that?

We should make use of Artificial Intelligent technology for this kind of difficult requirement, do you think?
Posted at 2021/11/28 07:11:20 | トラックバック(0) | 日記


「Difficulty in the establishment of wheel alignment http://cvw.jp/b/139985/46096876/
何シテル?   05/10 07:44
Kineboh! It's me!



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