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2022年09月23日 イイね!

Heavy rain cloud

Heavy rain cloudExcept Kyushu, heavy rain cloud covers from Hokkaido to Yamaguchi today, long-waited 3 days consecutive holidays have destroyed, how come? Undesired small typhoon was a mischievous criminal this time. All the parent must apologize to their children in order to untangle emotional vurge.
Electric resistor and physical slipping resistor both produce heat and all the devices require any measure against heat, even between human beings. Miserable action on the conflicts also produces heat by explosive arms.
Since the emergence of mankind, the fighting has never ceased, and even now there is a lot of slaughter.
Is it an inescapable instinctive characteristic of humans who have evolved as animals?
I hope all the people should live the span of lives given by God without hatred and sorrow.
Posted at 2022/09/23 12:06:35 | トラックバック(0) | 日記
2022年09月17日 イイね!

Nakanoshima Central Public Hall

Nakanoshima Central Public HallThe Nakanoshima Central Public Hall, which has become a symbol of Osaka, the US planning, since 1853, to make use of Japan as a foothold in Asia for consistent strategy during World War II. It escaped the repeated air raids of the US Army's B29 strategic bomber, and still remains today with sad memories.
It is a historic building filled with the strong energy of Osaka merchants. This is also a cultural heritage that tells the history of the city of water Osaka. 
Dojima and Nakanoshima are highly recommended in Osaka, a city of merchants.
You can enjoy the scenery even after sunset thanks to the lighting.

Posted at 2022/09/17 17:36:11 | トラックバック(0) | 日記
2022年09月17日 イイね!

Abnormal weather

Abnormal weatherThe arrival of Typhoon No. 14 has brought about various changes in natural phenomena.The usual spiders in garden trees have built new nests in the shade of trees that are not affected by the wind, and are evading them. The grasshoppers are surprised by strong wind and jumping out.

The landing at Itami Airport is unusual and many in number. It goes in the opposite direction and invades at a low altitude just above my house, just noisy unusually. It's as if we're close to the airport. A jet plane or a propeller plane is flying incessantly. Probably, they might make use of Osaka Itami airport as a shelter in unusual weather condition. Typhoon #14 must prevent them from accessing to the Eastern Southern directions. I can tell by the sound of the engine before you see it, but I prefer the latter one.

In any case, when approaching from an oblique direction, apply the rudder, correct the horizontal state with the ailerons, pull the rudder against the rudder that was applied just before touchdown, and then land after bringing the aircraft parallel to the runway, otherwise the aircraft will land in an oblique direction leading to the landing gear physical destruction resulting a serious and fatal accident.

Moreover, since the aircraft is in a yacht-like state that receives a headwind from an oblique direction, the vertical stabilizer increases the aircraft speed, so the flaps are lowered and the spoiler is set up to prevent the aircraft from stalling at extremely low speeds while simultaneously controlling, the power, rudder, aileron, and elevator, all the controls are not automatically. But all done with subtle manual operations so simultaneously. On the verge of touchdown, the flare is applied. On the verge of stalling, the nose is up and touchdown from the main gear first. Bouncing is contraindicated.
This is a nerve-wracking and very difficult maneuver for all the pilots.

Suddenly change to a hobby story.
I received a basic indication from a professional photographer that "Photographs without titles will not be graded or reviewed.''
On the other hand, an image that requires a title or explanation lacks the energy to appeal something. it's a higher level story, not for myself.

When I began to give titles to my works, I became able to ask myself "What do I want to shoot" and "What do I want to express?" It became possible to shoot, and the basic concept, theme, and motif could be clarified, and the image of the image could be decided before shooting
It's a shift change from "I just shoot because I feel something unusual" to "I reproduce the image that has been completed as a work in my mind"
This is a big change for me, who has been focusing on shooting photography for over half a century.
I am deeply grateful to the "Marvelous professional photographer" who gave me a greatest suggestions!
Posted at 2022/09/17 16:53:52 | トラックバック(0) | 日記
2022年09月03日 イイね!

Natural Selection?

Natural Selection?It was probably attacked by a crow, but fell from its nest.A chick of a brown-eared bulbul was on a busy road.A parent bird was crying loudly on the power line above, but there was nothing the flightless chick could do.A sad event. witnessed the
The phenomenon of the Natural Selection is common in the natural world, but I wonder if it also exists in our human world.
The general public tends to agree blindly, especially among us Japanese. We need to look around once again and be self-aware.
Posted at 2022/09/03 10:07:30 | トラックバック(0) | 日記
2022年09月01日 イイね!

Unfavorable weather condition

Unfavorable weather conditionIt's a typhoon that will be cool like autumn as usual, but the power of Typhoon #11 is tremendous. The expected rain is not directly due to the typhoon, but the influence of the autumn rain front, but there is a possibility of heavy rain, cats & dogs, and the weather will probably be unfavorable next week.
Weather broadcast information worries elderly neighbors in particular. My grandmother comes to me every morning complaining about her anxiety, so why am I not the culprit of the disaster? It is difficult to get her to her stable state of mind removing her anxiety planted deeply in her mind.
As the examples show, the media has great potential to control the audience. It's just a piece of cake to make the people's hearts uneasy. Isn't the corona turmoil a direct representation of that?
Politicians have long used media tactics, and the phenomenon continues today.
Disinformation is repeated and disguised as truth when it is clear that it is false. Keep in mind that you may be unknowingly controlled by the power of the media. So stop watching TV or listening to the radio and just not be vague without a specific purpose.
Don't you think it's pathetic and shameless to have someone you don't know completely control your own thoughts and decisions?
Get information from Websites by yourself with filtering falses!
Posted at 2022/09/01 08:26:55 | トラックバック(0) | 日記


「Difficulty in the establishment of wheel alignment http://cvw.jp/b/139985/46096876/
何シテル?   05/10 07:44
Kineboh! It's me!


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