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2022年06月30日 イイね!

Why NATO exists even now?

Why NATO exists even now?Hottest weather condition at over 38 degree celsius obliged me to reduce tire pressure because of harder pumping ride resulting in 0.3 kg lowered for all 4 tires. This condition will continue till Autumn season comes.

In spite of dissolution of Warsaw Pact after dismantling Soviet Union in 1991, NATO is still now lasting that had been constructed as the countermeasure of Western side countries?
Also in spite of no relations with NATO, our government takes part in their congress this time probably because of US suggestion.
If we pay them plenty of money, I think it should be conditional on the removal of the UN Enemy State Claus against Japan, am I wrong?
Posted at 2022/06/30 07:42:30 | トラックバック(0) | 日記
2022年06月27日 イイね!

Our sad situation!

Our sad situation!Japan, which is a controlled country, must listen to the unreasonable demands of the US government. It is not difficult to imagine that the government's position, which must somehow guide and convince the people and guide them in that direction, is extremely difficult. This is the ruling party. It doesn't matter who does the government, whether it's the opposition party or the opposition party.
Japan, which is already under complete military occupation by the United States, naturally has no choice but to obey the intentions of the occupying nations. This is the sad situation of Japan.

"She does not need to have herd immunity already established in our country for the Wuhan virus vaccine."
"It has already been replaced with another strain of Omicron, and the old type of Delta strain vaccine is ineffective, so it is not necessary."

"I don't want to support Ukraine in line with NATO's Western nations, as her Putin is more consistent than the puppet government's Ukraine."

However, it is not accepted at all and you must obey the intentions of the United States even if you are unwilling. It is an undeniable fact that Japan is a puppet government of the United States for 80 years after the war.

What is a virus? It has the meaning of Venom in Latin. The coronavirus vaccine itself is a venom, and the vaccine they are trying to apply is nothing but an artificial virus, toxic liquid.
Vaccination for important young children and adolescents who will carry the precious next generation of ourselves is guilty and unforgivable at all!
No matter how difficult the Government of Japan may be at disposing of residual filth, it must not be injected on us!
Posted at 2022/06/27 14:40:50 | トラックバック(0) | 日記
2022年06月23日 イイね!

Scientific datum

Scientific datumIt rained cats and dogs last night, causing a natural disaster.
Coronavirus spreads by sneezing cats.
We also sell masks for dogs and cats.
If you cough on the train, you will be scolded by others and you will be involved in an argument.
Incorrect information by the media will never be corrected and will be gradually changed so that it will not be noticed.

Words lie with deception and wording, but numerical data never lie.
Approximately in the world of science, the data obtained by scientific methods is not a lie unless it is tampered with.
Even if he tries to cheat by a sigh, he will be discovered immediately and the actor will lose credibility in the Diet.
The most reliable is only the numerical data shown in Arabic numerals that meet the above conditions.

The only consideration is the intent of the research, the experimental method, and the reliability and analysis method of the obtained data.
Consideration of the experimental results is not necessary because the presenter's personal opinion is included.
It is not necessary because it is the reader's job to consider and conclude the experimental results.
I understand that it is inconvenient to tell the truth, but I would like you to manage it well so that no controversy will occur.
Posted at 2022/06/23 08:11:11 | トラックバック(0) | 日記
2022年06月22日 イイね!

Diplomatic negotiations?

Diplomatic negotiations?There is no direct impact on Japan, which originally does not have the right to diplomatic negotiations.
There can be no equal diplomatic negotiations without military security
There is no connection between being an Atomic-bombed country and non-Nuclear armament.
Even if we show military vulnerabilities such as non-war and unarmed to other countries in our constitution, we will only be licked.
The countries surrounding us are all nuclear-weapon states with completely different political systems. It does not mean that the other party will not attack us just because we have no aggressive intention. Judging from some international common sense, it goes without description.

The reason they have never been attacking us for as long as 80 years is because the U.S. has scattered over 100 of military bases all through our land from Hokkaido to Kyushu and Okinawa. So it is clear from the fire that the U.S. military's strategy changes and as soon as it is pulled up from Japan, other Nuclear-weapon states surely proceed into our land like an avalanche.
Now we are in a client state state that allows the occupation of the United States, but if we want true independence, we should be ready for it now!

With the power of Japan's science industry, nuclear weapons and rockets should not be difficult.
Rather, it is the abolition of the Constitution imposed by the United States 80 years ago, the cause of chronic disease, and the promulgation of the "New Constitution of Japan" by our hands.
It may be quite difficult for us to inspire and awaken ourselves who have grown up in a greenhouse of lukewarm water for a long time, and to carry out a severe change of consciousness, but we will have to do it at any rate.
Posted at 2022/06/22 05:53:33 | トラックバック(0) | 日記
2022年06月21日 イイね!

Happy slave or strict independence?

Happy slave or strict independence?No argument is waited on the fact that Japan is fully occupied by US in every field, politically, economically and militarily. And the situation has been lasting as long as 80 years since our unconditional surrender to the allied powers, the allied power at that time is the as as United Nations now. Consequently, the enemy country at that time is the enemy even now if the the enemy state clause is remained in UN charter. As a matter for surprise, only Japan in the world is remained in it even now, so all the member nation of the group may attack Japan without being blamed very legally, if we are armed again. We are not armed now?

We are in a miserable position alone where we cannot complain in any way even if we are thrown into a bag, hung upside down and hit, suck and kicked unreasonably. Though most of our people are not aware of this unbelievable situation, these are the fact and truth.
"The war guilt information program" is the reason for a strange phenomena in our country now that was performed by General Head Quarter, so to speak GHQ, while occupying by US for 7 years interval.

Knowing these, then, if there is a better idea than the policy currently being implemented by the Government of Japan, even puppet of US, I would like to hear it. It's not just a dissenting opinion, but it's an actually effective alternative.
If someone shows the ideal path, you need a clear self-awareness of the reality that we are surrounded by nuclear-weapon states with different systems, and we need to be prepared to protect our own country, but are we there?
We have lived too long as long as 80 years under a pseudo peaceful circumstance to transform our country from the situation now into a fundamentally strict and truly independent way of life.
Posted at 2022/06/21 08:56:00 | トラックバック(0) | 日記


「Difficulty in the establishment of wheel alignment http://cvw.jp/b/139985/46096876/
何シテル?   05/10 07:44
Kineboh! It's me!


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