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2022年06月15日 イイね!

History tells everything!

History tells everything!"Remember Pearl Harbor" is a word that was put up in the slogan of the battle against Japan, which was a cowardly deception. Americans basically want to put up an easy-to-remember slogan and battle cry such as "Remember Alamo".
Recently, a similar propaganda speech was applied by the head of state of Ukraine. Taking Pearl Harbor as an example, it will be clear that the composition of his statement was led by the United States.

However, the US official document was disclosed and various facts became clear.
Roosevelt signed an operation order to take off from mainland China and attack Kyushu industrial factories one year before the attack on Pearl Harbor by the Imperial Japanese Navy. It was actually the United States that was trying to put it into practice, it's nothing but a cowardly deception at all.
It was Roosevelt's operation that broke the Japanese code and knew about the surprise attack, but he had evacuated all the aircraft carriers and what remained in his Pearl Harbor were only old-fashioned battleship as decoys. But, no information was told to Hawaii US base intentionally.

It is recorded that Roosevelt shouted loudly at the surprise attack by the Japanese army, but was not a surprise but a joyful voice, and he immediately celebrated taking champagne together with his aides .
With this, he finally made a promise in the presidential election to disobey the fact that he did not send troops to young Americans, and he came to the European front by sending troops, and he could respond to the arrow-like reminder from Churchill.
Since we, Imperial Japan had a Tripartite Pact as a member of the Axis powers, if Japan became an enemy country, it became possible to dispatch US troops to the European front.

In addition, US can establish a base for his Asian strategy in Japan for 100 years since Perry.
Because he got the approval of two purposes with single stone.
After all, Japan was fitted in the very setting that was set up by US.
We regret the naivety of Japan who couldn't read the painful tricks up to that point. The trap that US prepared was too smart to be seen through by us.
After all, we have challenged a battle that I could not win against the opponent country that is far superior in national power. US military power had enough capability to fight 2 different enemy fronts in the world at the same time.
There was a top on top, as a worst on worse!
Posted at 2022/06/15 04:43:12 | トラックバック(0) | 日記
2022年06月14日 イイね!

Who began the conflict in Ukraine?

Who began the conflict in Ukraine?Ignoring the location conditions and historical background, it is convenient to start the story from a certain point and there is a problem in judging good and evil. Also, the information given is biased or the inconvenient part is erased and blocked. Wrong judgment at all!
"Russia's invasion of Ukraine this time is a one-sided war act by the madman Putin, and it is an unexplainable wrongdoing."
"The invaded Ukraine is so sorry and pitiful that he must all help and help. "
The media of each country is spilling propaganda broadcasting in order to create a world society in the distorted atmosphere. Are these really true?

Perhaps the U.S. scheme in 2016 continued to slaughter the inhabitants of the Eastern Autonomous Region, where the puppet government, which set up comedian Zelensky and did not obey his Russian ban.
He invaded Ukraine on February 24th, as Russia was stipulated in the UN Charter due to a request for military assistance from residents who could not withstand the bombardment by the Azov corps added to the Zombus area on February 16th this year. Isn't it?

If so, it was the Ukrainian side that started the conflict and his conflict start date must be corrected to February 16th.
The first invasion was Zelensky of Ukraine, and the judgment of right and wrong must start from this day.
Rather than "Russian Putin suddenly went crazy and invaded Ukraine," he merely protected his Russians in accordance with Article 21 of the Charter of the United Nations.

Come to think of it, the language in circulation should not be absurd that he is the very culture that has been passed down to the land, suddenly banned from idioms and killed if he does not obey.
If that logic goes well, all Ukrainians who can't speak Japanese must be killed by us.
This is a conspiracy that was deliberately conceived to cause a conflict. It is not Zelenski that is thinking, but the United States that establishes a puppet government and pulls a string behind it.
Posted at 2022/06/14 17:51:36 | トラックバック(0) | 日記
2022年06月14日 イイね!


Misunderstanding?I see a statement that Japan can do something for contribution from a neutral standpoint against Russia's invasion of Ukraine this time, but it is a ridiculous mistake at all. Such a statement is valid only among the residents of the flower garden in peaceful Japan, and it does not pass at all overseas. It's a false!
Japan is located at the forefront of the Asian strategy of US, with more than 100 US military bases spread from Hokkaido to Okinawa. There is no such place in the world.
It bears the brunt of globalism promoted by the United States.
At the forefront of a more complete puppet government of US than Ukraine, we exist. It is difficult to understand what kind of recognition the neutrality is derived from?
I can only think that we have been completely brainwashed by the media that have been put under the control of US Government, and stopped thinking by ourselves.
Knowing that we are the most oppressed Nation in the world, which has been occupied by the United States for 80 years, we should be able to mourn our current situation rather than the events of other countries.
However much support might be given to Ukraine, our blood tax would never be counted by them, they made little of us so much, no appreciation was stated by Ukraine as a matter of fact.
Thick face shamelessness is also overwhelming.
Posted at 2022/06/14 06:28:04 | トラックバック(0) | 日記
2022年06月12日 イイね!

Ghost NATO?

Ghost NATO?If a small country that newly joined NATO is attacked by Russia or China, all the member countries will be involved in the war.
The problem is complicated by the involvement of post-war interests. She is Ukraine.
Problem solving that can be done only by the parties concerned will unnecessarily involve the whole world.
Then they should make Russia and China join into NATO, even if they claim different principles, the best way to avoid conflict each other?
In the first place, the Warsaw Pact mechanism of the eastern camp has disappeared, but NATO is unnecessary, and it is unnatural that it has survived until now.
You have been still there, why are you, NATO?
Looking at the representatives of each country who are dressed in military uniforms and attending, it seems that they still want to go to war.
The bloody history that has been repeated for a long time may have made it so, but I think they are no longer in a fight for the same human beings to fight for their lives.
I want you to stop the plot for the purpose of private interest!
Can you live peacefully and happily while sharing all the resources with everyone without competing and robbing, can't you?
Posted at 2022/06/12 05:47:32 | トラックバック(0) | 日記
2022年06月11日 イイね!

Can you do anything you want?

Can you do anything you want?Because it is weak, it can't be helped if it is invaded and overrun by another country. On the contrary, because it is powerful and possesses a nuclear weapon, a little irrationality is allowed.
Will it pass now in the 21st century?
If you can do anything just because you can do it, the world will be devastated.
How much did the countries that made the international language popular contribute to the world?
Isn't their wrongdoing far outweighing good deeds?
They may be proud to be at the forefront, but other countries just didn't think so ugly.
If we want to do the same thing as you did, we can do that.
But the dignity of humans did not allow us.
Posted at 2022/06/11 08:25:24 | トラックバック(0) | 日記


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何シテル?   05/10 07:44
Kineboh! It's me!


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