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2021年07月10日 イイね!

Old Canon SH 28mm/2.8 on SONY E-mont

Old Canon SH 28mm/2.8 on SONY E-montModification of Canon Demi 28 was performed few years ago, lens transplantation on SONY E mount was the purpose. In spite of original format of Demi 28, half frame, critical diversion was available even of Leica full frame format as a flower pic shows. On the other hand, Canon SH 30mm/17 lens also on Canon Demi missed on the corners if used on full frame format. 28mm/2.8 might have inferiority on the corner on full frame, still available, cropping resulting 42mm lens would prove enough capability in picture quality, sharpness and resolution works as a standard lens, front and back "Bokeh" are both acceptable with contentment.
Old lens as SH 28mm/2.8 might be, the potentials and performance is sufficient even in modern times. I prefer this smaller shape than ordinary sold pancake lenses.

Posted at 2021/07/10 16:00:58 | トラックバック(0) | 日記
2021年07月10日 イイね!

Do you pay attention on louder Bell?

Do you pay attention on louder Bell?Sheep flock is called by ringing bell at Rokko Mountain ranch. Probably they gather more quickly if it sounded louder. Aloso it is often said that a lie reborns into a truth if it is repeated a hundred times. Or stimulated continuously in a manner would be the same.
Occasionally mistaken as if the louder the better. Some Broadcasting media are often utilized for the upper purpose in addition to Newspapers, inducing and faning guidance of people utilizing tuned pressure that is convenient for the Suppressor. Better stop upper two methods and change the information source from broadcasting to signal communication, you yourself seek and find out what you need.
The activity to seek and find out by yourself is required in stead of being given the distorted information.
Recall your forgotten activity now!
Posted at 2021/07/10 08:34:24 | トラックバック(0) | 日記
2021年07月10日 イイね!

Web means Trap!

Web means Trap!I have been making it rule to fabricate my personal computer by myself, ATX-Tower style is an usual manner, because every parts such as cooling fan could be replaced one by one by myself. No need to say that the bulk of the designed body has enough room to cool inside. On the other hand Note style PC so sophisticatedly smart and does not occupy spaces. But remember, in case of trouble especially CPU cooling fan, it is the time to deseret it, impossible to repair by myself.
Returning to the story, setting up all the parts and connecting power supply, BIOS setting then the OS is installed, as the final service internet connection is established. Then, I would often enjoy the blissful time as the lasted had work had been rewarded.
But recently, I came up to consider about the fact to connected in the Website, is it a matter to be congratulated?
I thought how convenient it would be to be connected with international libraries without visiting there, it is the best Gospel for the researchers in every division. It did not took me so long period of time to realize the lack of capability to select and to pick up the necessary and important information. I have been always drowning in the broad sea of articles. It's almost impossible to find out a Golden Straw there, before that I would be suffocated to death in the barren sea.
By mistaking, people have some tendency to prove the rightfulness by gathering the specifically convenient information, because of distorted brainwashing. As a proof, conflicts are occuring everywhere based on different understandings in the world. We had better stop to correct the way of thinking of others, it's impossible at all.
As a matter for regret the same is said in Website also. Even the truth that had been proven Scientifically could be easily denied by the people who take it in different manner.
Remember here, Brain-Washing is not always matter of others especially for the people connecting in Website. The method to inspire the watchers without consciousness is very dangerous at all, Subliminal Effect should be payed attention.
From a different standing point of view, people who is in Website is just a trapped prey! Remember here, Web means the nest of Terrible Spider!
Posted at 2021/07/10 07:26:52 | トラックバック(0) | 日記


「Difficulty in the establishment of wheel alignment http://cvw.jp/b/139985/46096876/
何シテル?   05/10 07:44
Kineboh! It's me!


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