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2019年06月29日 イイね!

夏の夜の夢2019 は 8月3日開催 です♪

夏の夜の夢2019 は 8月3日開催 です♪ は まだ 梅雨只中 ですが…
 今年開催 です♪

イベント概要 です
1.日時  8月3日(土) 17時頃から
2.場所  大黒PA(通称 お庭)

  17時~    大黒PAでウダウダ
  20時過ぎに  横浜を出発して鎌倉方面へ軽くツーリング♪
  21時頃~   なぎさ橋珈琲 逗子店でまたウダウダ
ち・な・み・に 昨年開催ぉんな
今年ミュージシャン俳優 などの 逮捕報道
当局身柄確保躍起になってる 売人さん ですが…  
今年 は おし してくれるでしょ~か
 はたして、お会いできるのか? … 当日 が 楽しみ です♪
Posted at 2019/06/29 03:35:22 | コメント(9) | トラックバック(0) | 出撃 | 日記
2019年06月24日 イイね!

Rafa was gone, So We go.

Rafa was gone, So We go.#IfRafaGoesWeGo
Rafa was gone.
So We go.
We decided to leave the world of football.
from the silly world of football ...
as long as Mike Ashley exists ...

NUFC statement Monday:
"We have worked hard to extend Rafa's contract over a significant period of time.
"However, it has not been - and will not be - possible to reach an agreement with Rafa and his representatives.
"Rafa's coaching staff, Paco de Míguel Moreno, Antonio Gómez Perez and Mikel Antia, will also leave the club on 30 June.
"We would like to thank Rafa and his coaching team for their efforts over the last three years and their significant contribution to what has been collectively achieved [??!! - with little help from above].
"We would also like to thank our supporters, players and staff for their patience during a period of uncertainty.
"The process to appoint a successor will now begin."
(A reminder that the renewal deadline for season tickets is July 4th.)


A week before the season starts, the club has announced that Rafa Benitez's contract will not be renewed and he has left the club.
Unbelievable but sadly inevitable given the lack of positivity that has come out of Barrack Road this Summer.
Talk of takeovers has gone quiet - as it has done at least a dozen times before - and with pre-season due to start next Monday this leaves the club in total limbo ahead of what will surely be another relegation campaign.
How has this been allowed to happen?
The club's biggest asset - Rafa - has now gone leaving a squad that is woefully weak with loanees also in limbo and players already leaving.
Any new manager has very little time to make an impact and who would want to work for the current regime?
Recent press reports have any possible takeover at least six weeks away so it has to be Ashley, Charnley & Co. who will be making the new appointment. A temporary promotion from within seems impossible as Rafa's coaching staff have all left with him.
Ben Dawson has had a good season with the reserves but he can't possibly be considered....
Of course, Joe Kinnear is at a loose end and Dennis Wise is still doing PR work for Ashley.
Whoever is appointed as Rafa's successor faces an unenviable task to win over supporters, let alone players.
So there it is. A tenure of abysmal failure and unmitigated disaster hits a new low.
Even the most pessimistic and hardened campaigners couldn't have envisaged a shambolic Summer such as this.
And who can blame Rafa and his colleagues for walking away? He did well to last as long as he did, working for one of the most difficult management groups the club has ever known - and that's saying something.
He had comparatively little to work with in terms of transfer funds and playing squads and each successful survival was something of a minor miracle.
During his time at Newcastle, Benitez managed to re-unite the fanbase behind the team and legitimised the club in football circles, giving us a measure of direction, respectability and self-respect.
The multiple messages of support from current squad players on social media reflects the depth of feeling for him and disquiet over his loss. Add that to inevitable antics of agents and our squad appears to be ripe for plundering while we're in this self-created turmoil.
The deal offered to him was almost certainly deliberately poor and designed to engineer his exit and his departure once again makes us directionless and illegitimate.
It's reported that Benitez had no knowledge of today's announcement until an acquaintance contacted him to say it was on Sky. Typically classless behaviour from NUFC.
The contempt shown for the fans by the owner is again bordering on the criminal. It wasn't our fault he inherited a club with massive debts and we had nothing to do with his recent Debenhams debacle. All self-inflicted but his anger is seemingly taken out on us.
Any anti-Ashley chants were brought on by his own ineptitude and mismanagement but instead of making amends, in true barrowboy fashion, he cuts his nose off to spite his face with petty acts of revenge.
When are we ever going to get a break? Never, it seems.
from NUFC.com

Posted at 2019/06/24 21:57:00 | コメント(0) | トラックバック(0) | その他 | 日記
2019年06月14日 イイね!

梅雨 の さなか に 下田 まで ちょいドラ

梅雨 の さなか に 下田 まで ちょいドラ先日日曜日月曜日 の お です
下田 まで ょいドラってきました
目的 はぁ … によって
 温泉ウマウマ です
 (まぁ~、バレバレ でんなぁ~ … 笑)
れでは ょいドラ模様(画像) で ご紹介!

 (左)  伊豆 への 道中 の 伊豆スカ は 行き も 帰り も 霧の中 … でした(残念!)
 (中) 最初 に 向かった のは 赤沢 の Organic Cafe M2
 (右) 11時前 に 到着   この日 は 11時 に Open しました

 (左) ごはんセット かな?   グリーンカレー も イイな♪
 (中) 店内 の 装飾 も シンプル なとこが イイ です
 (右) 結局、今回も 肉類 と 乳製品 は 一切使ってない ごはんセット を 美味しく いただきました♪
    地元食材 で 品数豊富 な 点 は 変わりません が、前回 とは メニュー が 代ってます


 (左) 満腹 になったところで、腹ごなし に 向かった のは 下田城址公園 です
 (中) 金剛杖 の 威力 を 借りて … 登り切ったぜい   あたりまえである!(by ナレーション)
 (右) ちょ~ど 「あじさい祭」 を やってました

 (左) 白・青・紫・ピンク … 紫陽花きれい♪
 (中) デッキ の 椅子 も カワイイ
 (右) 金剛杖 で 鵜島城 を 制覇? の 図(笑)


 (左) 下田での宿 は 毎度お馴染み 黒船ホテル   この時この時この時 に 次いで 4回目 の 訪問 です
 (中) お約束 の 源泉掛け流し露天風呂♪つき の お部屋
 (右) 露天風呂 の 目の前の景色 は サスケハナ号


 (左) 温泉 で 汗を流し 夕食 へ   向かった先 は 魚でめし魚でさけ 地魚と穴子のうまい店 "勝"
 (中) お通し は 金目鯛の煮付け♪   キンキン に 冷えた 生ビール で いただきます
 (右) この日 の サラダ は とまとサラダ   ちなみに タコサラダ も 美味しいよ!

 (左) ちょい刺 は メダイ・マグロ・アジ を チョイス
 (中) こちら やわらかい穴子(タレ)   しかし 穴子 は (塩)が お薦め です
 (右) そして イカゲソのから揚げポン


 (左) 翌日 は アニマルキングダム に 向かいます   雨の平日 は 空いてます
 (中) レストラン の ガラス越し の ライオン   近いです …
 (右) こちら は ホワイトタイガー

 (左) キリン に えさやり
 (中) ミツユビハリネズミ と ふれあい
 (右) マタコミツオビアルマジロ とも ふれあえます

クイズ! … アニマルキングダム ではないのは どれ?

 (左) ライオン:食肉目ネコ科ヒョウ属 … ネコ科ではトラに次いで2番目に大きな種
 (中) チーター:食肉目ネコ科チーター属 … 2秒で時速72km/hに達する加速力で実測の最高速は104km/h
 (右) アビシニアン:食肉目ネコ科ネコ属 … 筋肉質で運動能力が高く俊敏、反面好奇心が強く非常に甘えん坊

…っことで、下田 まで ょいドラ活躍 した 8代目 ですが、
夏眠 から たきこす のはぁ イベント かなっ
Posted at 2019/06/14 01:41:22 | コメント(4) | トラックバック(0) | 出撃 | 日記


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