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2018年08月31日 イイね!


SupervisorMy supervisor came back from business trip from Russia.

Did I hear it right? Russia?

I thought he went to the U. S.

This was what he gave me.

The little dolls around the package are my wife's collections and I just let them stand around the package so that they can greet their fellows closer.
Posted at 2018/08/31 05:28:27 | コメント(3) | トラックバック(0) | 日記 | 日記
2018年08月30日 イイね!

Simply Delicious

Simply DeliciousMy wife just made a nice soup with a winter melon and minced meat.

If you want to see the winter melon I just cut into halves, check out the yesterday’s diary.
(Oh, I spelled "melon" wrong!)

It was simply delicious.
Posted at 2018/08/30 05:36:32 | コメント(0) | トラックバック(0) | 日記 | 日記
2018年08月29日 イイね!

Winter Mellon

Winter MellonHow do you call 冬瓜 in English?

I know it is in the kingdom of plantae, duh.

It looks like a family of watermelon I think.

If I take a wild guess, I call it “winter melon”.

No, I ain’t cheating!

I just cut in halves and took all the seeds out.

And now I ask my wife kindly, “Can you make something good with this, honey?”
Posted at 2018/08/29 05:33:57 | コメント(0) | トラックバック(0) | 日記 | 日記
2018年08月28日 イイね!

Chicken Wings

Chicken WingsI wiped excess moisture of the chicken wings and used から揚げ粉 and curry powder as a seasoning.

I let them sit in the oven and waited.

After about 10 minutes they just turned into one nice meal.

They were so good.

I didn't know if there was から揚げ粉 before cooking but when I found out how old the から揚げ粉 was, holly cow!

It was two years after the expiration date.

Too late. I and my wife already consumed a whole pack of chicken wings.
Posted at 2018/08/28 05:33:57 | コメント(4) | トラックバック(0) | 日記 | 日記
2018年08月27日 イイね!


Not BLTWhere is the bacon?

Missing bacon means missing a major part of the BLT sandwiches.

But I used some ham instead.

Should I call it HLT?
Posted at 2018/08/27 05:28:45 | コメント(0) | トラックバック(0) | 日記 | 日記


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