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2018年09月30日 イイね!


TENKASULast night I made some OKONOMIYAKI.

Whenever I make OKONOMIYAKI, I and my wife argue that whether TENKASU should be in it or not.

I think it is a must.

Don’t you guys think so?
Posted at 2018/09/30 05:51:37 | コメント(0) | トラックバック(0) | 日記 | 日記
2018年09月29日 イイね!


N225N225 soared yesterday, marking as high as the record of the 1990's.

Four out of five stocks I have went up but not as much as I thought.

I have been avoiding automobile stocks and machine section stocks which relay on exporting due to Trump possible tariffs.

But yesterday these stocks really enjoy the benefits of weaker yen and the result of Trump and Abe talks.
Posted at 2018/09/29 06:50:44 | コメント(0) | トラックバック(0) | 日記 | 日記
2018年09月28日 イイね!

"SHI" or "TSU"

"SHI" or "TSU"What do you see in this picture?

How do you read the second letter from the bottom?

Is it “SHI” or “TSU?

It seems “TSU” trying to behave like “SHI” but not quite there yet.

Or am I being too picky?
Posted at 2018/09/28 05:22:07 | コメント(0) | トラックバック(0) | 日記 | 日記
2018年09月27日 イイね!

My Favorite

My FavoriteODEN is one of my favorite meals all the time.

When I was a kid, my mom used to put KORO, whale meat in it.

But now days I don’t find any KORO at the supermarket.
Posted at 2018/09/27 05:23:58 | コメント(0) | トラックバック(0) | 日記 | 日記
2018年09月26日 イイね!

Over 4%

Over 4% SHISEIDO spiked up more than 4% yesterday!

When I checked the NY market the morning, Dow was down by 0.7% while Nasdaq was up barely.

In addition to these facts, N225 was up 6 days straight which turned my sentiment down.

During the lunch time at work I found that SHISEIDO was one of the heavily traded stocks on the day, showing the rocket start from the beginning.

Damn. I should have placed an order at a much higher asking price!
Posted at 2018/09/26 05:23:22 | コメント(0) | トラックバック(0) | 日記 | 日記


「Day 2 http://cvw.jp/b/106473/47682103/
何シテル?   04/28 06:14
This is my second convertible in my life.


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