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2021年01月31日 イイね!


AlgorithmHow I have been trading can be done by
utilizing the algorithm functions.

It can be eliminate hesitation of making
an entry and exiting from it.

Being procrastinate, results in losing an
opportunity or paying the price,
is one of the biggest problem I have.
Posted at 2021/01/31 07:40:12 | コメント(0) | トラックバック(0) | 日記 | 日記
2021年01月30日 イイね!

Sake of the Record

Sake of the RecordThis is the consequence of hesitation
and not having a plan B.

Indeed I had to pay the price.
Posted at 2021/01/30 06:47:04 | コメント(0) | トラックバック(0) | 日記 | 日記
2021年01月29日 イイね!

Lost Opportunity

Lost OpportunityI was very disappointed at myself because
I missed a good opportunity to earn a large
gain yesterday.

The NY market fell sharp so it was expected
that sell orders would exceed buy orders in N225.

There was no exception for 6367.

There was a huge gap between the 始値 and
前日の終値, -\234 to be exact.

Of course I made a sell order but it was too
late the trend lost its momentum.

How late? It was 90 seconds after the market open.

In addition, I lost as much as \18K at some
point but I was patient enough to wait until
I confirmed a tiny bit of a gain.

Well, to be honest with you, I don’t know if I call it a gain, though.

The best way I could’ve done was to place a 成行 order
before the market open if I were so sure about the outcome.
Posted at 2021/01/29 05:48:59 | コメント(0) | トラックバック(0) | 日記 | 日記
2021年01月28日 イイね!


ClumsyThe daily chart of 6367 suggests that it’s
become a bullish trend but not that strong.

I came up with an idea of counting supporting
points which acts as a literally support of the
始値 of a day.

If there are a lot of supporting points below
the 始値, a bullish trend tends to form in the
first few minutes or vice versa.

Supporting points can include the following
but not limited to yesterday’s 始値, 終値, 5EMA,
20EMA, 40EMA VWAP and so forth.

Of course there is an exception, especially
when you observe the first candle stick that
is 大陽線 or 大陰線.

The thing is I only have 17 data so far.

Speaking of the pancakes, I have to admit
that I was kind of clumsy to turn them over.
Posted at 2021/01/28 04:55:38 | コメント(0) | トラックバック(0) | 日記 | 日記
2021年01月27日 イイね!


Nervous?I will be day trading on this Thursday while teleworking.

Yes, I am nervous.

Because the daily chart of 6367 may be in a もみ合い
status, showing no specific trend.

As the 格言 says, “待つのも相場”,
I will be better off waiting for a strong
signal that triggers a specific trend.

As for the pancakes they will be ready to
be served in a few minutes.
Posted at 2021/01/27 05:15:15 | コメント(0) | トラックバック(0) | 日記 | 日記


「Day 2 http://cvw.jp/b/106473/47682103/
何シテル?   04/28 06:14
This is my second convertible in my life.


<< 2021/1 >>



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