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2016年10月12日 イイね!

The Greatest Cars Ever Made / Classic Car

The Greatest Cars Ever Made / Classic Car

The Greatest Cars Ever Made: An A-z of More Than 300 Amazing Automobiles

From the safest family autos to today s most incredible supercars, this updated A Z has it all!
Car lovers: indulge yourself with this must-have guide to more than 300 of the greatest automobiles in history! It contains all the technical specifications and details of beloved classic vehicles; stunning photographs of the sexiest supercars; and new entries on the McLaren P1, LaFerrari, and the Porsche 918, plus the hybrid/electric models that are making waves. Illustrated with both color and black-and-white photographs, each vehicle comes with in-depth technical specifications, statistics, authoritative assessment, and complete road-worthy analysis. Anyone interested in driving will find this an essential reference.
Previously published as The A-Z of Cars."

ハードカバー: 352ページ
出版社: Carlton (2017/3/7)
言語: 英語
ISBN-10: 178097745X
ISBN-13: 978-1780977454
発売日: 2017/3/7
¥ 3,433

「なか見!検索」で調べてみると、マツダ車は「Cosmo 110S」「RX7」「MX5」の名前が見られます。


Classic Car: The Definitive Visual History

A visual guide to the most iconic classic cars of every decade from the 1940s to the 1980s, featuring more than 1,300 photographs and two prints suitable for framing. Created in association with the Smithsonian Institution.

From the Aston Martin DB5 to the Chevrolet Corvette, Classic Car is packed with the marques and models of every decade from the 1940s to the 1980s. Virtual tours offer close-up views of iconic models, and comprehensive catalogs showcase key features with detailed profiles and specifications.

Double-page-spread images add flavor by showing the classics in action, and the two prints star a 1949 Chieftain Convertible and a 1962 Shelby Cobra. Reference the classic car glossary and the international directory of museums and collections to learn more about antique automobiles.

To tell the complete story of classic cars, this book also profiles famous designers and manufacturers, like Ferdinand Porsche, and places the cars into a wider cultural context by charting their enduring legacy as symbols of luxury and objects of desire.

Classic Car is a complete celebration of classic cars and a must-have for all classic-car collectors and enthusiasts.

ハードカバー: 320ページ
出版社: DK (2016/9/13)
言語: 英語
ISBN-10: 1465453393
ISBN-13: 978-1465453396
発売日: 2016/9/13
参考価格: ¥ 4,409 ¥ 4,156

クラシックカーのくくりですが、こちらもマツダ車は「Cosmo 110S」「RX7」「MX5(Mk 1)」が載っているようです。


Posted at 2016/10/12 10:42:01 | コメント(0) | トラックバック(0) | Amazon.co.jpアソシエイト | 日記


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