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2016年06月28日 イイね!

Break car up when september ends


Back to Basics


I have just returned from Formula Student India, where the importance of re-covering the basics became obvious. We forget the churn of students through Formula Student and often the basics are forgotten when new teams attempt to advance on the designs of previous teams.


The first and most obvious thing seen is that the Newtonian dictum of F=ma is often forgotten. The amount of the force 'F' available to teams is limited by the rules, so if the acceleration 'a' is to be increased, then the only real option is to reduce the mass 'm'.

最初に発見した、かつ最も明らかな事柄は、F=ma というニュートンの格言がしばしば忘れ去られてしまっていることです。チームが利用可能な「F」つまり力の総量はルールによって制限されているため、「a」つまり加速を向上させたい場合の唯一現実的な選択肢とは、「m」つまり質量を減少させることです。

I regularly repeat 'Pat's three rules of FS design to students'. They are...


1)   All other things being equal, the car with the lowest mass will win.
2)   All other things being equal, the car with the lowest c/g of the suspended mass will win,
3)   All things being equal, the car with the lowest polar moment of inertia in all axes will win.


I ask teams to write a simplified version of these rules in permanent marker in the top left hand corner of the whiteboard in their design office...


1.  Reduce the weight.
2.  Lower the weight.
3.  Centralize the weight.

1. 車重を減らせ。 
2. 重心を下げろ。 
3. マスを集中化しろ。

Then, every design decision to be made must be measured against those three requirements.


A simple example might be, "What battery do we use, lithium or lead/acid"?
Rule 1 shows it must be the lithium option as it is much lighter.
Then, "Where should we mount it"?
The answer, according to Rule 2, is it must be mounted on the floor and Rule 3 states it must be mounted centrally.  An ideal position would be just behind the firewall. Not in the nose of the car, ahead of the master cylinders as shown below.



Virtually every car in India was fitted with push-rod or pull-rod suspension operation. Some designs were dreadful with the team clearly not able to visualize the load paths. When asked 'Why?", no team could give a satisfactory answer! By looking at pictures of FS and FSAE cars on Google, they determined all FS cars use such suspension operation, but none questioned why it was so.


I explained that changing the bell-crank geometry, the spring and damping rates could be changed, but all admitted that the only changes they ever made was to spring preload or to damper valve adjustments, thus showing that the complications imposed by actuating rods  just added weight and increased the cost and parts count.


[*1 作動ロッド。プッシュロッドもプルロッドも含む]

When the bell-crank assemblies and associated brackets etc., were subjected to Pat's three rules, they failed on all counts!


When I explained to them that some of the fastest FS cars in the world, ie. GFR and Monash, use direct acting suspension, I was met with blank stares. They had not seen pictures of that on Google!


This is a clear example of 'Monkey see, monkey do', where teams copy design ideas without having a full understanding of the reason for the design feature in the first place. Remember, the first question the Design Judges will ask is "Why"? and if there is no satisfactory answer, then the score awarded will be low.  The judges understand there will be a fair amount of Design carryover in most cars, so often the "Why?" question is not just an investigation of knowledge, but also a check on the knowledge transfer within the team. An answer often heard is 'The student who designed that has graduated". Such an answer is the kiss of death to a team's aspirations to make it into the Design Finals.


Another issue identified by the Design Judges in India was the 'Kit car syndrome'. where the team bought in most of the components needed to build a car, including uprights, hubs, steering assembly, differential, bell-cranks, brakes etc, and the assembled them into a car.

インド大会の設計審査官によって認識されたもう一つの問題は「キットカー症候群」でした。 チームはアップライト、ハブ、ステアリングアセンブリー、デフ、ベルクランク、ブレーキなど、車両を構築するために必要なコンポーネントのほとんどを購入して、車両にそれらを組み込む[だけの]場所になっていました。

The judges understand that a team cannot make all the components used in their car, but they do expect the team to 'Design' rather than 'Assemble' a car around these components. {This would entail some 'reverse engineering' of components like uprights so a proper FEA assessment might be made to justify the choice of those components to the judges.}



This picture shows a 'Kit car' upright used on a FS car.


A quick perusal of the picture shows the designer clearly did not understand the forces involved.


This car did not clear Technical Inspection, but if it had, I would have expected a failure of the bottom outboard rod end in a very short time.


Cars at FSG are expected to be tested before the event and video evidence submitted. Such testing would have identified this potential problem before the event, giving time for some re-designing and rectification.


Note, neither the top or bottom threaded fasteners are locked as required by the rules.


In closing, it would be improper to end a discussion that included FS India without complimenting the team from K.J.S.C.I. Mumbai on their second consecutive win in the event. We will see this team at FS Germany in the Summer.


Design Error of the Month


We regularly see failures of carbon-fibre suspension members. Usually, this occurs when the threaded insert or clevis pulls out as a result of an adhesive failure.




When the Design Judges ask if the part integrity has been tested, invariably we are shown some test pieces and the associated data. But when we ask if the actual part fitted to the car has been tested, we usually get a blank look!


My suggestion would be to test all these parts, A-arms, Pushrods, Toe-links etc. before fitting them to the car for competition.


Until next time, good luck in your project.


Posted at 2016/06/28 09:53:43 | コメント(0) | トラックバック(0) | Diary | 日記
2016年06月26日 イイね!

Ba de ya, bending in September...



Rod Ends in Bending


“Rod ends in bending”. How many times have we heard that phrase?
Teams are told regularly that it is a design feature that must be avoided and there is an unwritten rule at all Formula Student or Formula SAE events that a car with REIB in the suspension or steering system will not advance to the Design Finals.


[*1 訳注:Rod ends in bendingの略]

At the Australian event a few years ago as the Tech Advisor I was determined that the Australian teams would not employ rod ends incorrectly and advised every team on their correct use. I thought it was a design demon that had been exorcised, yet at the very next competition, they were back!


Some teams argue passionately that if the rod ends are correctly sized, then the adjustability of threaded rod ends justifies their use. They point out that at one time most junior formula race cars used rod ends in this way as a matter of course. One of the most ardent FSAE judges against REIB was the late Carroll Smith, yet ironically, here is the cover picture from his Nuts, Bolts, Fasteners and Plumbing book showing him posed beside a REIB! To be fair, the heavily loaded lower wishbone has a proper encapsulated spherical bearing. The picture was taken by David Gooley.



Trying to justify REIB by saying they were used on some old FFord or F3 racecar is a flawed argument because these cars had neither the tyre grip nor the brake performance of modern cars, and so had lighter loads to react through the suspension links.


Certainly, every year cars with REIB finish the event, and some even finish high in the points, but this is not an excuse for poor design. So lets talk about why teams like REIB and why Design Judges hate them.


Teams like threaded rod ends because of the ease of adjustability. When a car uses suspension components incorporating them, the adjustment of camber and caster becomes a simple matter of twisting the rod end(s) in and out. Unfortunately, this usually means they are being loaded incorrectly. Threaded rod ends are designed to be loaded in compression or extension. That are not designed to be used when loaded laterally as this tends to bend the threaded shank and usually applies shear loads across the thread roots. Bending loads tend to distort the eye causing the spherical element to seize. This quickly leads to failure as shown below.


[*1 訳注:スフェリカルベアリングにおいて球を保持しているハウジングのこと。曲げ荷重によってハウジングが歪み、球が動かなくなる事態を引き起こすと言っている]

[*2 訳注:ロアアームのスフェリカルベアリングが固着を始めると、タイヤからのあらゆる入力がねじ首に集中し、固着前とは比較にならない複雑な力がかかる。スフェリカルの固着からねじ首の破壊までは一瞬であり、たいていは転舵かバンプをきっかけに発生するため極めて危険である]


A rod end failure as shown here can be very dangerous as it can result in a sudden and complete loss of control. At the very least it will result in an instant DNF, ruining an entire year’s work for the team.
Judges can never condone a design feature that is inherently dangerous.


[*1 Did Not Finishの略。リタイア]



Of course if the rod ends are big enough they will not break, but the Design Judges argue that if the system is correctly designed, then smaller and lighter components can be used, and this has a flow on effect to the sizing of other components.
So the second objection that Judges have is related to Newtons Second Law. Cars that are heavier than necessary are not good designs.


The shear loads are not only in the vertical plane. Front wheel brake torque is the biggest single force in most cars, and this is reacted through the suspension links. If the car has outboard rear brakes, then there is a smaller brake torque force which must be reacted at the rear.




These forces are reacted in a horizontal plane, and if threaded rod ends are used, then a shear load is introduced. Failure of a rod end under hard braking can have catastrophic results, and as a result, the judges hate this aspect too.


Finally, the Judges do not like the offset load paths when rod ends are used in the wishbone construction. The cranked load path from the tyres into the chassis is not desirable. Sure, this aspect of design is not as critical as the potentially dangerous situations mentioned earlier, but it is still a factor in Design Judging.


Wishbones can be made with the rod ends mounted along the line of the legs. These are easy to make, but pose an installation problem if adjustments need to be made on the chassis end of the wishbone. This adjustment will change the length of the base, and will require the chassis mounts to have some form of adjustment or, heaven forbid, the wishbone legs to be bent or stressed. Needless to say, the design Judges don’t like this solution either.




The problem with wishbones using encapsulated spherical bearings is that they do not allow for easy adjustment. The usual method being the use of shims behind the chassis or upright mounted clevis, and here is another dilemma. The Design Judges hate thick stacks of shims so the range of adjustment is limited.


[*1 訳注:サスアームブラケット]

At the design stage, teams will not know the optimum suspension settings, and during the chassis build, construction errors may creep in, so suspension adjustability very desirable when testing and setting up the car.


[*1 訳注:クリープ(creep)とは、物体に持続応力が作用すると、時間の経過とともに歪みが増大する現象。主に溶接後の熱歪みで用いられる]

My suggestion would be to make a set of adjustable wishbones using threaded rod ends. These can be used to set up the car prior to the event. Once the optimal geometry has been arrived at, then a set of fixed geometry wishbones using encapsulated spherical bearings, bushes or even flex plates, can be constructed for the event. The adjustable wishbones can be kept for use in an emergency.


[*1 訳注:ブッシュとは、ここでは丸パイプに圧入されたピロブッシュを指す。フレックスプレートは適当な訳が見当たらないが、強いて言えばサスアームに用いる当て板である。いずれも、これらを溶接するなどして固定せよという意味]

I am looking forward to inspecting all the cars at Hockenheim in August and smiling because I see no “REIB”s. Well, even Design Judges can dream!


Christopher's Corner




Posted at 2016/06/27 21:25:14 | コメント(0) | トラックバック(0) | 日記


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