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MINI原人のF1入門 Introduzione alla Formula 1 da MINIpithecus 4

MINI原人のF1入門 Introduzione alla Formula 1 da MINIpithecus 4 スイスのサウバーF1チーム (Sauber F1 Team; スイスではドイツ語読みのザウバー)がいろいろ面白い動画や画像を発信しています。その中から無料で公開されている動画や写真を解説してまいります。本日は下の壁紙から。

まずこの壁紙は http://www.ausmotive.com/2012/07/31/sauber-f1-08-cutaway-wallpapers.html

nose, front crash structure ノーズ、フロントクラッシュ構造(衝突エネルギー吸収)
brake fluid reservoir ブレーキ液タンク(フロント・リア独立回路)
pitot ピトー静圧管(対気速度を算出)
3rd element damper 第三緩衝装置(イナーター、硬いサスと乗心地両立)
throttle damper スロットル緩衝制御(スロットル・バイ・ワイヤ)
lower steering column 下部ステアリング軸(上部と角度をなし衝突時折れる)
pedals スロットルペダル(右足)とブレーキペダル(右/左足)
GPS transmitter FIA純正GPS信号送信機(白線越・進路妨害など判定)
knee padding 膝パッド(上下方向の振動で膝・脛の損傷防止)
antenna アンテナ(車載センサー信号、無線、FIA信号など)
upper steering column 上部ステアリング軸(下部と角度をなし衝突時折れる)
steering wheel ステアリング・ホイール(各種ボタン・モニター付き)
headrest ヘッドレスト(加速時のG、衝突時衝撃吸収のため)
pure motorsport 純粋モータースポーツ(サウバーのロゴ)
roll hoop ロール・フープ(逆U字型のロールバー、転倒事故用)
onboard camera dummy 車載カメラダミー(カメラ非搭載車のハンデ用重り)
airhorn エアホーン(エアボックス吸気口)
rear suspension, springs and dampers リアサスペンション、スプリング、ダンパー
rear wing upper mainplane リアウイング主翼
rear wing flap リアウィングフラップ(可変ウィング)
rear wing lower mainplane リアウィング下部主翼
rain light 雨用ライト(ウェットタイヤ装着時点滅義務)
rear crash structure リアクラッシュ構造
rear axle リア・アクスル(後部車軸)
gearbox ギアボックス(セミオートマチック)
clutch クラッチ(セミオートなので発進時などに使う)
engine エンジン(MAX 1.5万RPM、1.6LV6ターボエンジン)
oil tank オイル・タンク(ドライサンプ・システム用オイル貯蔵)
fuel cell 燃料タンク(ケブラー製、隔壁あり、燃料踊りなし)
SDR Security Data Recorder 安全データ記録器(加速度測定、救護班に危険通知)
seat シート(フルバケット、ドライバー身体にフィット)
SECU Standard Electronics Control Unit シーキュー(標準化電子制御ユニット、FIAが内容規制)
team radio チーム無線(レース中制限は緩和、商業目的にも使用)
lap trigger (FIA timing) ラップトリガー(FIAがラップ・ゴール計測用に使用)
telemetry data transmiter 遠隔測定機能送信機(車体の状態を送信)
onboard fire extinguisher 車載消火器(ドライバー・救急隊員が作動可能)
brake master cylinde ブレーキマスターシリンダー(ピストンにて液駆動)
forward turning vane 前部ターニングベイン(前輪の乱気流整流用)
Correvit optical senser (speed & angle) Correvit 光学式車速センサー(対地速度を計測)
junction box (sensor data connectors) 配線接続ボックス(多数のセンサー用)
front wing flap フロントウィングフラップ(可変翼)
front wing mainplane フロントウィング主翼



Matthew Morris, Chief Designer, Sauber F1 Team:
 As we all know, Formula 1 is the pinnacle of technology and motorsports. As I'm sure you've all seen on TV and in magazines, there are lots of pictures of Formula 1 cars. But wouldn't it be really cool, if we took a Formula 1 car and split it and opened it, just like an apple? Here at the Sauber F1 Team, that's exactly what we've done. We cut a car straight down the centre line, it's taken us two years, and here it is.
 One of the challenging points of designing a Formula 1 car is positioning and packaging all the different components that make a Formula 1 car work. Here you can see all these components and how they're positioned on the car. Starting at the rear we've got the gearbox, got the clutch, got the engine, got the oil tank, got the fuel system. Here we've got all the electronic boxes, and then moving up to the front we've got all the pedals and the steering system. Now, it's very important in a Formula 1 car that we keep all the weight very low. This reduces the centre of gravity of the car, and brings us performance.
 This is the car's steering system. We start with the steering wheel. Clearly it's not just a steering wheel. It also doubles up as the driver's interface with the rest of the car and also to the pits.
(Radio): Boost now a bit.
Matthew Morris:
 On the back of the steering wheel we have the gearshift paddles and also the paddle to lift the clutch. On the front there are many buttons, to talk to the guys in the pit lane, to change engine settings, to save fuel, more power. And in the middle, there's a little computer screen which tells him if there's any problems with the car, it's split times, and all sorts of really useful data for him. From the steering wheel we come down the steering column, the thin wall carbon tube which has quite a tortuous route as it comes down through the car, it has to come through the pedals, turn an angle and then come down to the steering system. The steering system is actually a very simple steering system, due to the regulations and very similar to the one you have on a road car, but obviously a lot smaller and lighter.
 Here we have the driver's seat, obviously where the driver sits. And then immediately behind him, probably 50 millimeters away, is where we store the highly flammable fuel in the fuel cell. And this is the Kevlar fuel system, and as you can see we have lots of horizontal baffles in there. Now if we didn't have these horizontal baffles the fuel would surge around particularly under breaking with high G levels in cornering. In each of the baffles there are a lot of flap valves which allow the fuel to go down but not up. So as the fuel drains, the fuel could never come above one of these horizontal baffles. By doing this, we keep the centre of gravity as always low as possible. There are also lots of pipes and pumps in here, these are positioned strategically to feed the engine, plus also allowing the fuel cell to breathe.
 We've spoken about all the technical components on the car and how we position them and package them. I guess the final piece of the jigsaw now is to position the driver. Some say he's the most important part of the car, (so we're) so let's get him in.
Sergio Pérez, Driver: It's important to be fit. You are not in a normal position, you have a lot of forces, especially in a crash. I had a big accident last year in Monaco, so we quite know that it's a safe car.
Matthew Morris: Shall we get you in then?
Sergio Pérez: Of course.
Matthew Morris: Sure you feel comfy?
Sergio Pérez: Wowh I think about it... this is how it looks, as I told you, it's not a very comfortable position to be sitting in two hours.
Matthew Morris: We've spoken about getting all the components as low down in the car as possible. Obviously you're just another component to us. As you can see your sort of backside is 10 millimeters away from the tarmac,
Sergio Pérez: From the floor.
Matthew Morris: ... which obviously you feel when you're racing in the car. It's usually a good gauge to tell us if the car is too low because his backside maybe gets a little bit warm.
Sergio Pérez: Yes feel like you have a small torch back there, like that.
Matthew Morris: Yeah.
Matthew Morris:
 Safety is obviously paramount in Formula 1. Obviously, if anything does happen, we have a fire extinguisher system on the car which sits here, which can either be activated by the driver or the marshals at the track. The actual chassis is one safe haven for the driver. We made the chassis from carbon honeycomb so it's very strong and very light. There are many other safety features on the car such as the head padding to stop the driver's head from getting injured. We have crash structures above the driver's head and in front of the driver. And then, as we move down the car, we have a crash zone at the front.
 All this packaging that we've spoken about makes it very difficult to try and find anywhere for my apple to fit, other than this huge void at the front which as to be reserved for the frontal crash test. So anyway I hope you've enjoyed your tour of a Cutaway Sauber F1 Team car. And, ah, thank you very much.

F1入門 1 (ステアリング) F1入門 2 (HANS装置)
F1入門 3 (Cutaway予告) F1入門 4 (Cutaway解説)
F1入門 5 (Cutaway 1 Pitot) F1入門 6 (F1レーサーの心拍数)
F1入門 7 (Cutaway 2 Lap trigger & Transponders) F1入門 8 (Cutaway 3 Driver Seat)
F1入門 9 (Cutaway 4 Airhorn) F1入門 10 (Cutaway 5 Team Radio)
F1入門 11 (Cutaway 6 GPS transmitter) F1入門 12 (Cutaway 7 Telemetry Data Transmitter)
F1入門 13 (Cutaway 8 Pedals) F1入門 14 (Cutaway 9 SDR Security Data Recorder)
F1入門 15 (Cutaway 10 Correvit Optical Sensor) F1入門 16 (Cutaway 11 SECU)
F1入門 17 (Cutaway 12 Damping System) F1入門 18 (Cutaway 13 Knee Padding)
F1入門 19 (Cutaway 14 Antennas) F1入門 20 (Cutaway 15 Steering Wheel)
F1入門 21 (F1レーサーの脳) F1入門 22 (F1レーサーの脳)
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Posted at 2017/01/02 08:59:18





凄いですね。 From [ KNIGHT2222のページ ] 2017年1月3日 01:33
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京都 にぼっさんさん





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